Silent Heart

You hold a storming heart. A mind that defeats creativity. But how did this heart get silent? And why are you not doing anything to regain its power? Let’s talk…

You were such a bright star, such a calming breeze, such a peaceful influence, but how the world, everything you had, simply lost its light. When we focus too much on the people around us, we usually get involved in their energy, which influences our energy. It causes a mixed energy influence on us, changing us into someone good or bad. In such a way, we lose the light within us, numbing our hearts into a silent one. But you should not forget that it’s never too late to refocus on yourself. It’s never too late to start over. It’s over only when you give up.

Hope is very powerful, not for the things that didn’t work, but for the new things that are awaiting.

How do you suggest the light from the new doors reach your eyes when all you do is keep staring at the old doors that are not opening? Give yourself time, endurance, and patience to overcome the things that seem difficult now. The day you get over the things you’re struggling with, you’ll be so grateful that you’ll forget all the silent screams you had to make back then. You would understand why the wait was necessary.

It’s okay to break down at times, but this doesn’t make you weak. You need to let your emotions flow. If you keep them piled up, you’re preparing yourself for a bigger breakdown. Cry your emotions out. Let your mind and body feel the pain so that it learns the ways to counter it. If you don’t let your heart understand what you feel, it will never know how to stop it. Running away from your emotions is not a wise thing to follow. It gives you temporary comfort, but in the long run, you’re more likely to be a sufferer.

Yes, it is hard.
Yes, at times, you’ll be vulnerable.
Yes, at times, you’ll feel like giving up.
Yes, at times, you’ll feel like you made no progress.

But, at such times, just give yourself a little time. You’ll surely see how far you’ll go. But one thing to note is if you keep returning to what shattered you, it will be harder for you to heal.

Please don’t destroy your life for something or someone you were not a priority.
Why are you diving in the ocean for someone who wouldn’t care to dive in the sea for you? This might hurt, but where is your self-respect?
Where is your dignity?
Where is your humanity?
Are you not a human?
Don’t you deserve the good things?
Don’t you deserve the love you give to others?
Don’t you deserve the peace that you pray for others?

Yes, of course you do. Then why are you still putting yourself into storms that aren’t meant for you? Simply just stop. Stop caring for the people who don’t acknowledge you and your worth. It’s time to change yourself. Let it hurt; challenge your pain and how much it can hurt until you get healed. You can take 90 days of challenges to keep your body fit, then why not take such challenges to keep your mind fit and healthy?

A silent heart is not lost. A silent heart is not the end of you. It’s just a phase; it will pass and make you grow. When you ask for growth, don’t be surprised when life starts challenging you.

When our body gets diseased, we don't chop it off; we take meds and heal ourselves. Sometimes, the healing process may hurt more than the pain. So, you have to endure and have a vision of the future that awaits you. Do not run away just because you feel lonely, undervalued, or unimportant over time. Your healing process will be hard, but trust me, it will be worth your time and energy.

This is a snippet from our upcoming book "Minding Emotions." Let us know if it touched your heart or made you think about your life.

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